Remember: The union is YOU.
When asked why they entered the profession almost all teachers reply, “To make a difference in students’ lives.” Rarely is the answer, “To join a union.” But with union solidarity we have positioned ourselves to make a great difference in public education. Teachers, like other labor groups, have ORGANIZED for one reason: To take into our own hands the responsibility for the future of our profession, our communities, and our families. The ground rules for your teaching and working conditions are governed by the terms of the contract between the union and the school district.

Areas the union has the power to collectively bargain:
- Salaries, Extra Duty Pay, and Stipends
- Evaluation Process
- General Protections Against Arbitrary and
- Capricious Actions – Just Cause
- Class Sizes
- Site-Based Decision Making
- Professional Staff Development Length of Work Day
- Length of Work Year
- Personal and Academic Freedom Transfers
- Grievance Procedure
- Medical, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance
- Benefits Planning Time
- Curriculum and Instruction – Teacher Input
- Adjunct Duty Responsibilities
- Leaves
- Teaching Materials and Equipment
- Non-Discrimination
- Role of Seniority
- Assistance in Moving Classrooms
- Safety
- Personnel Files
Public education and the teaching profession are too important to leave in
the hands of politicians alone.
Some of the issues the union may be politically involved in include:
- State and Federal Education Funding
- Teachers’ Rights and Due Process STRS
- Retirement Pensions
- School Improvement Plans
- Career Technical Education and the Arts
- School Nutrition
- English Language Learners Instruction
- Children’s Healthcare
- Children with Special Needs
- Construction and Maintenance of
- Facilities Technology Grants
- Collective Bargaining Rights Evaluation
- Criteria
- Curriculum and Standards Standardized
- Testing
- Text Book Adoption
- Finality of Grades
- Student Discipline
- Credentialing
- Teacher Classifications
- Seniority and Lay-off Procedures
- Privatization of Public Education
Belonging to the union carries additional advantages for yourself and your family.
Benefits of union membership include:
- Full Eligibility for Voting on Union Issues and Holding Union Positions
- Employment Related Legal Representation
- Membership Insurance Programs
- Voluntary Group Insurance Plans
- Auto and Home Insurance Programs
- Discounts on Shopping, Entertainment, and Travel
- Disaster Relief Fund
- Trainings, Conferences, Scholarships and Grants for Professional Growth
- The Institute for Teaching Working to Create Better Teaching and Learning Conditions
- Well-Baby Program
- Financial Services, Including Credit Card and Credit Union Services, CTA Home Loans and a CTA
- Personal Loan/New Member Loan Program
Member Calendar