Grievance Process
If you believe that the contract has been violated, click here for the steps to file a grievance, as well as the timeline. A grievance must be filed within 30 days of the incident, so review the steps and contact a Site Representative as soon as possible after the incident.
If you have spoken to a Site Representative and wish to file a grievance, please fill out this Google Form, which will be sent to our Grievance Committee. (Please note the form should take approximately ten minutes to complete.) “Role” should be the role of the person who is filling out the form. Use the link to the contract above to find the particular contract article violated.
For site reps who need to file a Level I Grievance, here is a fillable form that you can complete and send to your principal or appropriate supervisor. See the “steps to file a grievance” above for more information on what to include in the form. Members should consult with their site rep and complete this form together with their rep.
Uncertain about your next steps? Read the FAQs below and reference the Grievance Process linked above. If you still have questions, contact a representative at your site or your appropriate Grievance Team representative listed below.
Complaint Timelines
Click here for the Written and Verbal Complaint Timelines per the current contract. Remember that a Verbal Complaint must be issued in person – an email does not qualify. If you have any questions regarding a specific complaint you have received, please contact your site representative or grievance team. Find your Grievance Team Representative on this chart: